Turning 50 is an exciting time. You're nearing retirement age, you likely have a few adorable grandchildren, and you finally get to go have your first colonoscopy! Lucky you, you've turned the magical age that insurance company and your primary care doctor will start bugging you about getting in to check for cancer. Before you start running for the hills screaming, let's review a few facts about colon cancer. Colorectal Cancer According to the FightColorectalCancer.org, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. That is a very scary thought! FightColorectalCancer.org also shows that there will be 140,250 new cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed just in 2019. That means 1 in 20 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in their lifetime. When left untreated, colon cancer spreads through the lymph nodes or blood stream to other areas of the body. CancerCenter.com explains that...